Tamu CCCD Program

Project duration:
Project location: Tamu (Kisumu)

The aim of the Child Centered Community development program in Tamu is to Improve livelihood of the community in Tamu through enhanced standards of education, community health and social-economic development of vulnerable households. Our pathways of change are:

Child participation

  • Equip caregivers with relevant parenting skills to address child protection issues
  • Advocate for fatherhood parleys that are relevant and involved in child protection matters


  • Rehabilitation of water sources to reduce the prevalence of water borne diseases
  • In collaboration with the community, realize Open Defecation Free Areas (ODF) in 13 villages in Tamu

Social Economic Empowerment

  • Realization of economic safety nets
  • Enrich the capacity of farmers, youth and self-help groups through training in entrepreneurship, business management, Agribusiness & value addition
  • Facilitation of CLAs to strengthen community social risk fund systems

This program is being implemented in collaboration with African Inland Child and Community Agency for Development (AICCAD).



Number of targeted households


Number of targeted children


Number of targeted youth