Our aim
Basic needs like sufficient and nutritious food, clean water, and health and sanitary services are crucial for the sustainable development and resilience of vulnerable children and their families. Providing access to these basic needs is therefore part of the Help a Child theory of change.
Main activities
- Building and/or rehabilitation of latrines, showers and waterpoints at Early Childhood Development Centers and primary schools;
- Awareness campaigns on WASH and hygiene;
- Facilitation of training to parents and self-help groups on how to grow and cook nutritious food;
- Screening and treatment of malnourished children;
- Facilitation of community-led total sanitation to mobilize the whole community in creating a healthy environment;
- Distribution of soap and hygiene packages in high-risk areas due to conflict or disaster.
- Provision of primary health care for people in need and capacity building of health workers;
- Support for victims of sexual and gender based violence, including medical services and psychosocial support.
Health, WASH and Nutrition
Impact report 2023
Key statistics (2023)
people supported through clean water supply
soap distributed to 42,374 people
people have been reached with hygiene promotion messages
young children received treatment for malnutrition
Health, WASH, Nutrition Impact report 2023
Health, WASH, Nutrition Impact report 2023