Projects and partners
CCCD Child Centered Community Development as the main project
Location: Bugesera, Rwamagana and Rusizi
Partners: AEE (Bugesera & Rusizi) and EPR (Rwamagana)
The goal of Help a Child is for all children to have a life in dignity, with love and a promising future. Help a Child through their partner AEE and EPR reach the poorest children and their families of the selected areas and focus on that specific group.
Selecting the vulnerable areas though does not automatically mean that the poorest groups are indeed reached and impacted. It is our ambition to improve the wellbeing of children in need in a sustainable way. By constructing and renovating ECD, training community on positive parenting, hygiene, nutrition and mobilizing community to join self-help group for generating their income.
ECD Building Better Beginnings project funded by UNICEF
Location: Bugesera, Rwamagana, Rutsiro and Gicumbi
Partners: No partners we implement directly
Since 2018, we have maintained our collaboration with UNICEF. With the funds we receive, we expand the construction of model Early Childhood Development (ECD) centers, improve the quality of services, and empower the community. Additionally, we are granted funds to implement advanced ECD in Rwanda through an engaged and capacitated civil society, aiming to increase investment, coordination, and monitoring of ECD at the decentralized level.
ECD-Building better beginnings project funded by Pharus
Location: Rusizi district
Partners: AEE
The project was built upon the initial initiative, which established a model ECD center in Rwimbogo. This involved renovating ECD centers and establishing one cost-effective center. Pharus foundation is a donor for Early Childhood Development (ECD) intervention in Rusizi aiming at scaling up ECD interventions in different communities.
Revolving fund project funded by individuals
Location: Rwamagana District, Gahengeri sector
Partners: EPR and HaC Rwanda
Since 2021 Help a child Rwanda through its partner EPR has designed a Revolving fund scheme to unlock community potentials through friendly loans from Sangwa SACCO Gahengeri. This financial scheme has supported CCCD activities to initiate or boost businesses and income generating ideas among youth and adults from their respective communities addressing the wellbeing of a child.
In 2024 we also want to support
(young) children through ECD and sponsorship program
youth through integrated farm planning (PIP)
parents involved in the Parenting Challenge
community members through SHGs and farmer groups