Build your Own Buddy (BoB)
a participatory group program, that addresses the social-emotional needs of young children and their parents in a humanitarian context.
“Today we are not the same stressful families, wives, husbands and children of 2018. BoB has honestly transformed the mental life of families more than we have been and for that, we should thank BoB. On behalf of my fellow women and entire families of Agok, I request that BoB should continue, donors should support Help a Child to continue and extend this project to other areas.”
What’s Up?!
a participatory approach to reflect on protection risks and opportunities
“We need the provision of more education facilities throughout the community, especially for small children who cannot walk long distances. We need local bridges to make children move without fear of being carried away by running water. We need many clean water points for children to stop drinking dirty stagnant water. As girls, we need our parents to be aware of the importance of girls’ education.”
These concrete ideas to increase child safety were put forward by children during a ‘What’s Up!?’ session in Pibor community, Jonglei, South Sudan. This example illustrates the tangible effect of ‘What’s Up!?’: a group-based approach, developed by Help a Child, to initiate a community conversation about child protection and child rights.
Standard Operating Procedures
Guidelines for protection case management in South Sudan
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) help to coordinate, standardize and ease the process of preventing and responding to individual (child) protection issues. Help a Child has developed SOPs for our project areas in South Sudan. The package exists of a practical ring binder to support anyone who is in the position to identify or handle protection cases. The further process of applying SOPs is described in a separate manual.
Innovative pilot on SGBV
Empower2Protect’ is an innovative pilot to prevent sexual and gender-based violence, combining the introduction of the Invi Bracelet (a protection bracelet that releases an awful smell when activated) and Help a Child’s groups based ‘What’s Up!?’ method to address the sensitive issue of SGBV.
In total, 936 bracelets have been introduced.
95% of the project participants are aware of their role in preventing SGBV.