Help a Child is a member of the Dutch Relief Alliance, a coalition of 14 NGOs that have joined forces to provide humanitarian assistance to people and communities around the world. By aligning our efforts, we are able to respond to an acute crisis within 72 hours and provide complementary responses to many protracted crisis. Working in partnership with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we strive to enhance the impact of the humanitarian efforts of international, national and local NGOs.
Dutch Relief Alliance
Maximising our joint impact
Humanitarian crises are often very complex, involving a range of different contexts and scales. The Dutch Relief Alliance is geared towards collaboration, complementarity and benefiting from each other’s qualities and strengths. This respect for diversity – coupled with the professional and geographical specialisations of the members of the Dutch Relief Alliance – allows us to keep driving for quality and cost effectiveness. By working together we can maximise our joint impact.
How we work
The members of the Dutch Relief Alliance (CARE Nederland, Cordaid, Dorcas, Oxfam Novib, Plan International, Help a Child, Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages, Stichting Vluchteling, Tearfund, Terre des Hommes, War Child, World Vision Nederland and ZOA) coordinate their efforts in joint responses, which can be either acute or protracted. These partnerships focus on providing equitable humanitarian aid based on solid plans and proven approaches. Each response is unique, with its own activities and participants, and is tailored to specific needs, challenges and capacities.
Help a Child is the lead for the South Sudan Protracted Crisis Joint Response 2024-2026 and a member of the DRC and Somalia Protracted Crisis Joint Responses 2024-2026. We are also a member of the Somalia Floods Acute Crisis Joint Response.